Monday, December 1, 2008

Merry X-mas

The posting for my job went up this afternoon. (That's right- I get to reapply!) I took the job on a temporary full time basis with the understanding that I was welcome to resubmit my application along with everyone else in 1 year.

Forecast note:
While the Doubt Bunnies are inevitably bound to dance a jig across my front lawn, there are none about in in the foreseeable future.


the unreliable narrator said...

I keep meaning to say, but forgetting to say (finals week brain fog)...that I wanted to comment on this, but couldn't understand it--? Did they a) shaft you by taking your adjunctery away one semester early, or did they b) relieve you by taking away said dreadful adjunctery? I am too dum <--[sic; I was trying to type "dim"] to work it out, so here I am poised between hurrah and ohnoes!!1!, not knowing with which exclamation I should go.

So I will just settle, for now, for: I hope you have a kickass finals week and all your students hand in their work on time. Yay for semester's end!

Modernicon said...

no...explanations are needed. I took a one year contact- renewable, and while I knew this going in, the sting of reapplying still sucks a little bit.

the unreliable narrator said...

Ah, I see. In that way that we are always hoping (because we always are) that someone will actually notice how good we are at what we do, and say, "Nonsense! Why in the world would you need to reapply? In fact we are giving you this job every year for the next twenty, or until you accept tenure-track at RISD/Chicago/CalArts, whichever comes first! Welcome to our club!" And then they will give us sherry and an office with a window and our very own personal photocopier code! I understand perfectly. :oD

Modernicon said...

really I was just shooting for a regular check and a little insurance...but a glass of sherry is always welcome!