Thursday, August 14, 2008

Daryl's Poem

D. wrote me a poem tonight. She saw me writing and said, "what are you doing?"

I replied, "a friend's blog made me think of a poem."

She said "I want to write one too."

Five minutes later she came up with:

I hear sounds of chirping
I turn around to find
A red bird standing there
Looking in his eyes
I stood there. Turned
around and saw my
bushes shaking
I peer inside and to
My surprise I see
A blue bird flying by


the unreliable narrator said...

Gobsmacked twice in one day by bardic marvels!

AnnaMarie said...


may I add that to my prayer book?

Oleoptene said...

When does Daryl get her own blog? I marvel at your daughters from 2000 miles...