Tuesday, May 26, 2009


“Within my body, Arjuna, see today the whole universe, including everything movable and immovable, all in one, and whatever else you wish to see.”

“ O god! I see within your body the gods, as also all the groups of various beings; and the lord Brahman seated on his lotus seat, and all the sages and celestial snakes.
I see you, who are of countless forms, possessed of many arms, stomachs, mouths, and eyes on all sides. And, O lord of the universe, O you of all forms, I do not see your end or middle or beginning.”

Sitting in the sauna I began to think about these lines. I thought about how one goes about meditating on the infinite. I thought about the Christian God being as vast as the East is to the West. I wondered, am I meditating? Am I clearing my mind of conscious thought? No, there is always that one persistant voicve, the overlord of voices that keeps saying “O.K. now we are going to do X and Y. I thought about this for a while.

it reminds me of the mantra "Ohm Mani Padme Hum" for which there are a million translations. I had a book that did a fairly good job of explaining it, but I can't find it, anyway I didn't have it in the sauna with me. I'm not one to meditate, unless there is beer involved of course but these thought in my held swirled and overwhelmed me.


took a breath, "Ohm" I whispered, then I said it again, i delighted in the way my lips and teeth vibrated, the way the breath sank back into the depth of my throat, "Ohm" I said, filling myself with ohm.


I know I am supposed to be clearing my mind of thought, but I can't help but visualize, I am very visual. I thought about the soul, the spark that was breathed into Adam, that part of us that is also part of God, a little piece of the infinite. I thought about how looking through this lens I was looking at the infinite. I wondered about how tiny I was, in comparison to all things, like a cosmic Where's Waldo.


There is this great Simpsons episode where the camera pans up over the family sitting on the couch up over the house, above the earth, through the solar system, galaxies and into the infinite blackness only to emerge in the pupil of homers eye. “Holy Crap!” I imagine myself containing the infinite, only to emerge as myself again. Another visualization came to me as Elle sat on my lap, one full of potential, the other the seat of creative power, ready to have a new family, the child emerges as the adult that returns to the child.

Jesus said, "The person old in days won't hesitate to ask a little child seven days old about the place of life, and that person will live. –Gospel of Thomas

Hum- The arrival

I feel this amazing sense of calm and satisfaction, I sit peacefully within myself, the universe both unfolding and contained, hum is the ohm, we have arrived full circle, the process begins again…

(All in all a great day for taking a little steam)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That opening couch scene was the one that was on the 6pm Ch. 33 repeat of The Simpsons yesterday. The day you post this BLOG entry. Like Homer says at the end of that couch gag: weird.