Monday, September 8, 2008

Political Dementia

At last I have a name for my malady...


Anonymous said...

Is this an election year?

the unreliable narrator said...

Well, only, the lead begins: "Having trouble deciding who's the most experienced candidate for public office?"

So may I just bogart your blog (blogart!) (the blogartist's riposte) to say I officially do NOT understand undecided voters. I can understand deciding not to vote; or deciding that the candidates and their parties are so interchangeable as to render decision meaningless; but I mean these people who are genuinely all, Um, I need to find out more information before I can make up my mind.

(Unless of course *you* are one of These People, in which case I apologize proleptically for what I am about to say, which will cause you to delete the rest of this comment in a white-hot fury.)

Because HOW IN THE NAME OF EMILY'S LIST can any US citizen reach the age of legal adulthood in media-saturated Amurika and NOT KNOW which perspectives on which issues are supported by which parties--


And yes I am PMSing and yes I have a lot of Eliot criticism to read.
